The Somali Dabqaad: Traditional bakhoor burner

Somalia's culture is woven with various traditions and practices, some of them are deeply rooted in the use of beautiful scents. One such tradition is the use of the "Dabqaad," which stands as an emblem of Somali heritage. In this article, we will explore the history, design, and the local incense known as "Unsi" that is widely used with the Dabqaad.

Aromatic Roots: The History of Incense in Somalia

Incense, in the Somali context, has a long history as a source of sensory pleasure and cultural significance. The Somali people have traditionally incorporated incense into their daily lives, as a form of clothes fragrance especially for ladies, an element of hospitality, and a way to beautify their homes with luxurious scents.

Design and Features of the Dabqaad

The Dabqaad is a quintessential vessel for burning incense. Crafted from white clay, it is an aesthetically pleasing and functional piece. It serves as both an incense burner and an objet d'art.

The Dabqaad is typically adorned with unique patterns and designs that often reflect elements of nature or geometric shapes. These designs can vary from region to region, and they showcase the rich cultural diversity within Somalia.

Unsi: The Local Somali Incense

Unsi is the aromatic heart of Somali incense. It is a fragrant blend of various natural ingredients, such as dried herbs, resins, and spices. Unsi can offer a spectrum of scents, from earthy and woody to sweet and floral, depending on its composition.

To prepare Unsi, ingredients are carefully mixed, creating a blend that not only stimulates the senses but also carries a distinct local identity. The Unsi is placed inside the Dabqaad, onto a hot coal, and as it burns, it releases its captivating aroma, leaving a lasting impression. You can find our unsi known as Bakhoor Sumaya here.

Cultural Significance: Incense in Somali Tradition

The Dabqaad and Unsi collectively create a cultural ambiance in Somali households. They are used to welcome guests, mark special occasions, and enrich daily life with a sense of warmth and comfort. The aromatic tradition enhances the atmosphere and embodies the essence of Somali culture.

Contemporary Use

In contemporary Somalia, the Dabqaad and Unsi continue to play a significant role in daily life. These incense burners are now appreciated not only for their cultural significance but also as decorative pieces. Many Somalis display Dabqaads in their homes, recognizing them as symbols of their heritage and local craftsmanship.


The Somali Dabqaad and Unsi hold a special place in Somali culture, connecting people to their roots and traditions. They bring a touch of elegance and history. Tap the image below to experience the beautiful Somali bakhoor known as unsi.


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