What is Luxury?

A lot of people try to define luxury by expertise, price or rarity. True luxury is a mix of different things that are linked together, to be able to truly understand the concept of luxury we first need to take a look at a few elements.


It is the skill or knowledge of an expert in a particular field. A quality product or concept starts from that, take this out and you will never be able to have luxury. A luxury object or service has someone behind it who is a specialist, knowing what it requires to be able to deliver something from the highest grades or with a creative and unique form. 


It comes in multiple forms but we will talk about only two forms here. Rarity in the quantity, it means it is limited. After a certain quantity sold, you will not be able to find it anymore. Another form is in the creativity, that means you will not be able to find the exact same product or service with someone else. They are the only one to deliver this type of product, due to what we have just explained anything could become luxurious if it is not mass produced or not copied neither available everywhere. 


It is a direct fruit of the special work and rarity. Everything that is rare is expensive, imagine now if it is handcrafted or meticulously done / thought. The cost will skyrocket, making it therefore an accessory that could show a social class or a level of success in someone’s life.


When buying such products a feeling comes with them. A feeling of being special or even a feeling of accomplishment. 
Behind the concept of luxury, inside feelings are also achieved. Desires, elegance, identification and pleasure are all sought.


Luxury is a complex world, to fully comprehend it, one must understand the steps that lead to it. As it was said luxury is not the opposite of poverty but of vulgarity, luxury isn’t in opposition with minimalism. Luxury is a way of seeing things, a way of caring about things and last but probably the most important : it is a way to look after yourself…

How to Be Classy?

A person’s class is felt in their appearance and actions. Indeed, it is not enough to wear one type of clothing to have class. It is above all a state of mind. 

Classy is when our appearance reflects the best of ourselves: our principles, our ability to be positive and confident. 

To have class is to know how to be worthy, to respect oneself and to be proud of one’s culture, one’s beliefs, one’s origins, one’s convictions, while knowing how to show respect towards others. 

For example, as a Muslim, I believe in the verse of the Quran which says in a close sense: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you” S49 V13 

Observe the world, everyone is able to have class. You just have to decide to be the best version of yourself. The rest will follow automatically. 

Observe the world again. Admire the beauty and richness of the class in appearance which is reflected differently depending on whether you are in the Middle East, the West, Africa, the East, Latin America, or any part of the world … 

Class will always be accompanied by high values, and a pleasant scent. This is why among the people who have class on this Earth, we find the customers of Maison Anthony Marmin because they know how to complete their classy style with our elixirs.


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